How cruel!
Thursday, 30th April Luskentyre Bay, Durness, top left hand corner of Scotland That’s Cruel! If you are a Facebook member, you will know...
Crystal Clear
Wednesday April 29th Etching on glass: Mirfield Transparency is a frequently used word these days with reference to the current handling...
Up the Workers!
Tuesday, 28th April: Workers Memorial Day Thanks to a friend called Gwen, I now know that today is Workers Memorial Day. I have included...
Goats get a bad press...
Monday, April 27th Boys in Kiambu, north of Nairobi One of the good things about social media is being able to keep in touch with friends...
On the Emmaus Road
Sunday, 26th April This is a painting by the German priest and artist, Sieger Köeder. His artwork featured in the Holy Week reflections...
Shelter from the storm?
Saturday, April 25th This is the time to be slow, Lie low to the wall Until the bitter weather passes. Try, as best you can, not to let...
Friday 24th April Ramadan has begun. And for many of our Muslim friends that adds another dilemma to their already complicated daily...
Home or Away?
Thursday 23rd April Gwen, a friend of mine, is off on a visit to one of her favourite places - in her imagination. So, I'm doing the same...