News from the North Pole
Friday, 6th November
Current thinking in terms of what might feature in the Advent online activities and what people can do in preparation:
Advent Candles
I would like at least one shot - or video - of a young person lighting each of the candles to post in the advent calendar windows for Advent Sundays 1 to 4 and also Christmas Day. The more youngsters involved, the better and I can put each Sunday;s together. Please send them to me either by email, Dropbox, WhatsApp, Messenger or the Church Facebook Page with the name of the person and where they are from if not Shiregreen.
Messages to Santa
During the daily broadcasts, Santa will be encouraging children and adults to write to him with their thoughts about Christmas, their hopes etc. If these can also be sent to me via the internet, I will pass them on to Santa so that he can respond to them. Again, names and ages where appropriate would be useful and photos of their letters would also be helpful - with translations if needed!
Artwork and craft creations
Any drawings or attempts to make whatever the Chief Elf demonstrates will be invited to be sent in as photos to be displayed in a gallery. Parents and young people need to be warned that this is going to happen. Videos taken on phones will be fine as they are. Clearer instructions will be posted on the Facebook page and website nearer the time.
More ideas may follow!!!
Website Advent Page:
Facebook Page: